Editorial ethics

Editorial ethics of a scientific periodical is a set of rules regulating the relationships between members of the editorial board, reviewers and authors on issues related to publication. The scientific periodical publication «Problems of Bioindication and Ecology» supports ethical standards of a scientific publication, such as:

  1. objectivity and impartiality;

  2. high demands to the quality of submitted material;

  3. condemnation of plagiarism.

All the articles submitted for the publication undergo a review on originality, ethics and relevance.

 Duties of the editorial council ant the editorial board

The editorial board of «Problems of bioindications and ecology» in its activities follows PublishingEthics of a publishing house Elsevier, aimed at pursuing the principles of Publisher Ethics, and is guided by a CommitteeonPublicationEthics. The observation of the rules by all parties involved contributes to the provision of copyright and intellectual property rights, improvement of the quality of publication for the international scientific community and the elimination of the possibility of improper use of copyright materials to the benefit of certain individuals.

 The decision on the publication of an article must be always taken based on verified relevance of submitted data and significance of the work for scientific community. Chief Editor and Executive Editor shall not have any conflict of interest about the articles that are rejected or accepted by them. The editors of the publication are responsible for the decision on rejection or acceptance of the article submitted to the editorial board. Under these circumstances they are guided by the publication policy and legal requirements: prevention of defamation, plagiarism and copyright infringement. In case of acceptance for publication, Chief Editor and Executive Editor of the publication may consult the members of the editorial board and reviewers.

 Confidentiality. The members of the editorial council and the editorial board of the publication shall not disclose any information about the submitted manuscript to third parties accept the author(s), potential and appointed reviewers, consultants of the editorial council and also the publisher, as it is strictly confidential.

Impartiality. The editors must evaluate the intellectual content of submitted manuscripts regardless of race, sex, gender, religious beliefs, ethnical background, citizenship or political opinion of the authors.

Disclosure of information and conflict of interests. Unpublished data, received from the manuscripts submitted for review, shall not be used by the members of the editorial council and members of the editorial board for personal purposes or be disclosed to third parties. Chief Editor and Executive Editor shall not allow the materials to be published if there are substantial reasons to believe they are plagiarism. In case of acceptance for publication, the article is made publicly available; the copyright is reserved.

Handling of ethical complaints. Chief Editor end Executive Editor shall not leave unattended complaints that relate to the reviewed or published materials. In the case of identifying a conflict situation, they have to take all necessary measures to restore the violated rights, and in case of identifying any mistakes – to facilitate the publication of corrigenda or refutation. Each case of unethical behavior about the publication must be investigated even if it was identified several years following the publication of the article.