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Ethos of educational institution: how to raise a successful person?

2021-12-20 14:03:00
With the assistance of the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine the Laboratory published the study published: Terno S. Ethos of educational institution: how to raise a successful person? OSCE Project Coordinator in Ukraine, 2021. 66 p.

Defeat of the anti-corruption revolution

2020-01-20 14:12:00
Published study: Terno S. Defeat of the anti-corruption revolution. 15.01.2020 URL:

Terno S. Game of Values and Emotions in Education: Where Are We and Where Must We Following?

2019-10-20 16:30:00
In the article author is considered the role of values in societies' life and significance of education for citizens' values transformation. The place of Ukraine on the values' map is examined in the paper. The Ukrainian society's prospects are described according to research "World Values Survey" ( It is marked the critical thinking plays the prominent role in values' transformation of Ukrainian citizens. The emotions' design methodology is demonstrated for positive emotional background creation in an educational process. If educators elect positive approach and study through positive emotions, then they use astonishment (without emotion mode which provides emotions' switching). Astonishment causes interest and accordingly an interest result is gladness. Interest is fascination, personal inquire with something, aspiration to do something and know. Such things excite our natural desire to operate. Gladness is as a result of successfully executed activity. Accordingly if educators organize studies through positive emotions (id est with help the problem surprise situations), which cause interest and gladness as a result a problem solving, then our educational process is effective. Marked, teacher mostly acts role of emotionally meaningful person. That's why educator substantially influences on the students' opinions. Consequently teachers can substantially influence on mastering of modern values and values of self-expression. And prevailing of such values in society will assist welfare of Ukraine. It is shown the model "Karpman drama triangle" in an educational process. Author ground the necessity of exit from dramatic co-operation in education. It is needed to overcome the slave-tyrannical relations and development the democratic principles in education. Keywords: critical thinking, education, Karpman drama triangle, emotions' design methodology.

Critical Thinking: Dynamics and Scope

2017-03-10 17:06:00
The Segiy Teno paper "Critical Thinking: Dynamics and Scope" is put on site's page The scientific publications. The critical thinking functional model is presented in the paper. It is described basic stages of mental process and application domain. The critical thought is lasted in four stages: 1) realization of problem or clash with problem; 2) problem situation and problem task put some obstacles for goal achievement – difficult situation; 3) restructuring of knowledge, action's methods, own attitudes, experience and person come to the idea of correct solution; 4) reasoning of problem's solution and presentation it for others (thought's objectification). The critical thinking is used for concrete situation tasks solving and it is first of all practical thinking for real problem solving. Key words: critical thinking, History teaching methods, social science education, methodology of critical thinking development, high school, higher education.

Results of course "Theory and methodology of History teaching". It is questioning for historical faculty students

2014-11-17 08:00:00
Dear colleagues! To your attention 10 questions that will require honest and unprejudiced answers from you. Questioning will help you better to realize own attitudes and achievements, and to improve the education quality for us. Thank you for collaboration. For participation click here.

The discussions about historical education problems as a mirror of methodology science in Ukraine

2014-10-01 08:00:00
In the S. Terno paper ("Educational policy" portal) is marked, that Ukrainian methodical reality suffers from unfreedom. It is most worried circumstance that laboratory of National academy of pedagogical sciences of Ukraine usurp history education. Mentioned Social science Laboratory does quite other things instead spread "clever, kind and eternal". The goal of history and social science in education is to inculcate the system of values, id est to form the base structure of society. What values do spread the mentioned Laboratory in social science education? Who can bring up our main-status values curators from Laboratory of social science education of Academy Pedagogics Institute? There is no full list of discussed problems.

Critical thinking development

2014-09-28 18:08:00
The S. Terno research papers about critical thinking development are put in site's page The scientific publications. Papers were published in Ukrainian and international publishers in 2013-2014.

The new program from history: is it marginalization of the young generation?

2013-05-03 17:02:00
The Sergiy Terno investigation is published about History curriculum for a 5th form of comprehensive schools in two variants in electronic editions: scientific ( and popular-scientific ( The curriculum's analysis allows by author to assert, that changes' object is to cultivate the inferiority complex to young Ukrainian generation, to transform them into marginal persons (people without kith or kin), to diminish the Ukrainian history value in the world events. Marked also, that Ukrainian methodical science grew into totalitarian sect with incompetent and cynical leader. You can read the article complete text after reference (in Ukrainian).

Who give a cry loudest than all: "Hold a thief!"?

2013-03-07 08:34:00
Sergiy Terno published the article, which analyzed the situation with disappearance the famous names of fighters for Ukrainian independence from the History program of Independent external evaluation - 2013. Marked, that authorial collectives under Olena Pometun direction withdrew prominent Ukrainian figures not only from the History program of Independent external evaluation - 2013 , but from the History program for the 5th class of comprehensive school also, which will be already studied schoolchildren in September 2013. You can read it here

The Problem Tasks from History – Workshop for pupils of 10-11 forms

2013-03-06 10:37:00
The workshop for pupils of 10-11 form was promulgation in Kyiv Publishing House "Skil'ny svit": Terno S. The Problem Tasks from History. Workshop for pupils of 10-11 forms. – Kyiv : Skil'ny svit, 2012. – 17 p. (in Ukrainian). The manual consists information about principles, strategy, methods and assets of problem solving in History, besides rules of logic thinking and rules of definite proof are contained in it. Methodological system of work promotes stirring up cognitive activity and critical thinking development. Workshop is put on page The scientific publications.

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