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ZNU Press Centre News / News / In ZNU last competition of the Cup on minifootball dedicated to the memory of Viacheslav Tolok

In ZNU last competition of the Cup on minifootball dedicated to the memory of Viacheslav Tolok

20.11.2014 15:16 Спорт Кубок з міні-футболу пам’яті В’ячеслава Толока перемога

In Zaporizhzhya National University continues the traditional Cup on minifootball, dedicated to the memory of the former Rector of ZNU (1984-2003), professor Viacheslav Tolok. Thus, on November 19 in a sports complex was held 2nd tour of the competition, in which participated teams "Hope - ZNU", "ZNU 2", ELC of ZNU (College of Economics and Law of ZNU), and - CPU (Classical Private University) , ZNTU (Zaporizhzhya National Technical University), ZSMU (Zaporizhzhya State Medical University), ZSEA and Hydropower College, "National team of Zaporizhzhya regional professional-oriented educational institutions".

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