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ZNU Press Centre News / News / ZNU has been created new Specialized Scientific Council

ZNU has been created new Specialized Scientific Council

30.12.2014 10:34 Відділ аспірантури та докторантури навчання наука

In order of MES of Ukraine № 1528 of 29.12.2014 ZNU has been created new Specialized Scientific Council К 17.051.09 with the right to review and in defence of a thesis for the degree of PhD in Pedagogic sciences of specialty 13.00.04 in «Theory and Methods of Professional Education».

Specialized Scientific Council lead Vice-Rector for Educational Research and Academic Affairs, Ed.D., professor Oleksandr Hura. His assistant appointed Ed.D., professor Anatolii Konokh, scientific secretary – PhD in Pedagogic sciences, Associate Professor Larysa Bezkorovaina.
Creation of the seventh specialized scientific council in our university is an outstanding event of achievements and recognition of Zaporizhzhya National University  scientists in the field of pedagogical sciences, evidence of a high level of staff and organizational support of scientific and pedagogical staff in our university

Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies Office

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