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ZNU Press Centre News / News / About 300 people attended free trial training on the EIT in foreign languages for admission to the magistracy in ZNU

About 300 people attended free trial training on the EIT in foreign languages for admission to the magistracy in ZNU

About 300 people attended free trial training on the EIT in foreign languages for admission to the magistracy in ZNU
26.04.2019 11:24 All Top news Відділ доуніверситетської підготовки, профорієнтації та працевлаштування Відділ доуніверситетської підготовки профорієнтації та працевлаштування профорієнтаційна діяльність пробне ЗНО магістратура вступ-2019

There were free trial trainings on the EIT in foreign languages for applicants who want to apply to the magistracy. In total, about 283 people from ZNU and Classical Private University expressed their desire to check the level of their knowledge of English, French and German. The most popular language among future students was English (271 people), 10 people took part in testing in German, and 2 people in French.

The event was held on the basis of Academic Building 2. The training was coordinated by Oleksandr Hura, Vice-Rector for Scientific, Pedagogical and Educational Work.  Professors and employees of various faculties and departments of the university took part in its organization under the guidance of Halyna Mykytiv, head of the department for pre-university training, career guidance and employment.

It is also worth noting that the professors of the Faculty of Foreign Philology developed the materials which were used during the training under the guidance of the Deputy Dean for the career guidance of the Faculty of Foreign Philology, Assistant Professor Valentyna Yemelianova. Test tasks for EIT workbooks were developed taking into account the level of complexity of the tasks of the last year. The results of the test will be published on the web-site after the May holidays.

It should be remembered that there special courses in the Center of Intensive Foreign Languages Learning which you can take in order to improve your language.

Halyna Mykytiv, head of the department for pre-university training, career guidance and employment, mentioned: “This year the trial testing for entering the magistracy which was based on Zaporizhzhia National University was successful. Representatives of ZNU were organized and well-coordinated as they had passed preliminary training briefings. They tried to accurately reproduce all the technical aspects and the atmosphere of external independent evaluation for participants in the trial EIT. For an hour, they performed assignments developed for them by professors of the Faculty of Foreign Philology.  We hope that thanks to participation in this training, future applicants for the master's degree program will be able to evaluate their level of knowledge of a foreign language, and determine which topics require additional study. And as a result - successfully enroll in the magistracy for the favorite specialty."

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