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The Olympic Games from History

  1. ІІІ (regional stage - Zaporizhzhya region) All-Ukrainian pupil's Olympiad from History – 30 January 2010.

  2. ІІІ (regional stage - Zaporizhzhya region) All-Ukrainian pupil's Olympiad from History – 15 February 2009.

ІІІ (regional stage - Zaporizhzhya region) All-Ukrainian pupil's Olympiad from History – 30 January 2010

Laboratory took part in preparing the ІІІ regional stage All-Ukrainian pupil's Olympiad from History, which was took place February 2010 in Zaporizhzhya.

The tasks you can load according to link 2010-zavdannya.rar

ІІІ (regional stage - Zaporizhzhya region) All-Ukrainian pupil's Olympiad from History – 15 February 2009

Laboratory took part in preparing the ІІІ regional stage All-Ukrainian pupil's Olympiad from History, which was took place 15 February 2009 in Zaporizhzhya.

Dear colleges: pupil and teachers.

The results of III (region) stage Ukrainians scholars Olympiad of history.

The tasks you can load according to link (2009-zavdannya.doc). Also you can find out criteria of marks according to reference (2009-kriteriy.doc). We are propose for you attention the analyses of you works. You must remember: the results which you have now are only the significant of you preparation. And if you will be persistence work, you can improve you results.

Thank for you fruitful work. We congratulate all members of Olympiad of history with conquer over yourselves. All of you are victories if you could tested yourselves will be courageous, don't afraid of test, you must be persistent and success will be with you!

The analysis of results the pupils works of 8-th classes.

The maximum quantity marks – 42

The maximum of received mark – 39,5 (Krivko Anton, The Grammar school №6, Zaporizhzhya)

The pupils were successful made tasks of historian geography and history of Cossacks. We are stated sufficient level of knowledge by pupils with history of Great Geographical Discover. The difficult were tasks, which including analyses and estimation of historian processes. Sometimes analyze were substitute of description events. That's why you must give attention to decision of the problems tasks of history.

The protocols of you marks you can load here (2009-8.doc) .

The analysis of results the pupils works of 9-th classes


The maximum quantity marks – 46

The maximum of received mark – 43,8 (Dubrovko Nina, Lyceum №6, Zaporizhzhya)

The biggest of pupils gave correctly answers on tasks. More difficulty was task №4. Only five members (of 17) gave correctly answers: “The North Community”. On task № 1 gave exhaustive answer only two members. Most difficult was task №7. No one didn't answered correctly (you must know “The Declaration of Human Right”). The best knowledge was illustrated on question at the policy Tory and Vigi.

Sometimes were difficulties with creation tasks №1. More members didn't definition the conception of “nation”, because the question was not settled. The pupils don't understand the definitions such as “nation”, “nation moment” and other. The creation task №2 was done more successful. But pupils hadn't structures of answer had only relations of events and hadn't the analyses of this events. Sometime the conclusions hadn't historical confirmations. On the whole you must give attention on the competition of arguments.

The protocols of you marks you can load here (2009-9.doc).

The analysis of results the pupils works of 10-th classes.

The maximum quantity marks – 46

The maximum of received mark – 41,9 (Muc Yulia, Lyceum №6, Zaporizhzhya)

At the time done first level task, the pupils had difficult with definition of “League of the Nations” and establishment of conformity between historical objects.

More pupils were success done the tasks about First Word War, development of culture, hajdamaks and oprishkivsky movements. Most difficult were creative task, were you must gave reason your views. Approximately 70% members were not gave reason or uncertainty somebody views. On the whole you must study historical facts, but more impotent: you will be competitions to estimate significance of these facts.

You will be training in the decision of the problem tasks at history. You can to use our text-book: Терно С. Проблемні задачі з історії для старшокласників: Дидактичний посібник для учнів 10-11 кл. загальноосвіт. навч. закл. – Вид.2-е доопр. та допов. – Запоріжжя: Просвіта,2008 – 32 с.

The protocols of you marks you can load here (2009-10.doc).

The analysis of results the pupils works of 11-th classes.

The maximum quantity marks – 45

    The maximum of received mark – 42,4 (Fomich Anna, Lyceum №6, Zaporizhzhya)

    The most complex task of the first level for participants of Olympiad was the task for an establishment of sequence of events of the Second World war. The certain difficulties arose during the decision of problems from the newest history of France and the author of the statement "The cold war".

    The main difficult in the tasks of second level were such as: 1) the pupil badly owns a material of history of Ukraine in 70-8-th years of 20-th century; 2) in the answers were dominated the description of events, but answers hadn't the proofs and the arguments; 3) sometimes was the replacement of a question (for example, instead of a question on Euro integration, pupils reflected on expediency of the introduction Ukraine into the European Union); 4) sometimes the pupils could not done the conclusions from the used facts.

    On the future you will be training in the decision of the problem tasks at history. You can to use our text-book: Терно С. Проблемні задачі з історії для старшокласників: Дидактичний посібник для учнів 10-11 кл. загальноосвіт. навч. закл. – Вид.2-е доопр. та допов. – Запоріжжя: Просвіта,2008 – 32 с.

    The protocols of you marks you can load here (2009-11.doc).

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