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On this page the laboratorys' scientific-methodological presentations are put. They were informed at seminars, conferences, and also lecturing for students: 1) Teaching History Theory and Strategy; 2) Pedagogical Skills Bases.

  1. The series of lectures "Teaching History Theory and Strategy".

  2. The series of lectures "Pedagogical Skills Bases".

  3. Laboratory actions.

The series of lectures "Teaching History Theory and Strategy"

  • Lecture 1.
  • Lecture 2.
  • Lecture 3.
  • Lecture 4.
  • Lecture 5.
  • Lecture 6.
  • Lecture 7.
  • Lecture 8.
  • Lecture 9.
  • Lecture 10.
  • Lecture 11.
  • Lecture 12.
    1. The series of lectures "Pedagogical Skills Bases"

    2. Lecture 1.
    3. Lecture 2.
    4. Lecture 3.
    5. Lecture 4.
    6. Lecture 5.
    7. Lecture 6.
    8. Lecture 7.
    9. Lecture 8.
    10. Lecture 9.
      1. Laboratory actions

        1. Presentation for teachers of Zaporizhzhiya city "Educational projects of Training and research laboratory of modern History of Ukraine and innovative educational technologies", 29 October 2013 (29_11_2013-Educational_projects.ppt).
        2. Lecture on "Neuropedagogy: How it help History Teacher?" for Zaporizhzhian History 25 October 2010 in gymnasium № 50 (25_10_2010-Neuropedagogy.rar).
        3. Lecture on "Critical Thinking Development Theory " for "Logos" Lyceum teachers 28 October 2010 (28_10_2010-Theory_CTD.rar).

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