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Congress `Proceedings Release
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Abstracts will be collected and published separately by the opening of the Congress.

Scientific papers will be published in a separate professional journal. The publication charge is 10 UAH per page. Funds must be transferred to the University account.

To be accepted the participant must submit: an abstract, an application, and a xerocopy of the entrance fee receipt by the September 15, 2004 deadline.

Scientific papers may be submitted later (e.g. delivered directly to the Board of Organizers during the Congress (printed and electronic copies)).

Guidelines for Scientific Paper Processing

Scientific Papers:

  • can only be accepted unpublished authentic scientific papers;
  • the structure of the paper must meet the requirements listed in the Decree of the Highest Certifying Commission Presidium dated 15.01.2003 ¹7-05/1. Ukrainian HCC Bulletin ¹1, 2003
  • the scientific paper requisites are as follows: information about authors (name in full, academic status, scientific degree, official position or profession; in case several authors represent the same establishment its name must be indicated but once after the last piece of information about authors; the maximum number of authors is generally limited to three persons); title of an article, subheading notes (some information specifying the heading of an article) if any, body of a scientific paper, reference list, figures, appendices; 1 review written by a Doctor of Science or 2 reviews signed by 2 kandidats of science; annotation. All the authors must sign a manuscript.
  • the title of the scientific paper should be concise and free of overcomplicated pseudoscientific terminology. All supplemental explanations can be given in the subheading notes. Do not write the title as a question; avoid phrases such as a study of, or investigations of.
  • the annotation should be written in English and Ukrainian regardless of the main language of the scientific paper. The size of an annotation is restricted to 500 characters. The annotation must be submitted both on a separate sheet of paper and as an electronic document.
The structure of the scientific paper:
  • the name of each author in full (first name, last name, patronymic/middle name if necessary) scientific degree, official position, scientific establishment; the title of the scientific paper, the description of the main subject and problem, generalization of results;
  • the “information about the author” must be aligned right and presented in sequence as follows: Last First Middle Initial (type - bold), the name of the establishment, the name of the city; the “title of the report” (in capital letters) must be typed in the middle of the page in 2 line spaces under the “information about the author”; the scientific text is placed in 2 line spaces under the “title”. Pages ought to be full and free of typographical errors and corrections; the reference list must be placed at the end of the scientific paper; the number of reference points must not exceed that of 10.
  • Scientific papers can be written in Ukrainian, Russian, German and English languages and will be published in the original. The texts in English and in German languages must be accompanied with an extended annotation in Ukrainian (no more than 1200 characters).
  • the maximum size of a scientific paper is 10 pages without pagination. Scientific papers should be submitted either on a floppy disk (2 copies in the form of non-archived files *.rtf Word for Windows) or on a CD (CD-RW) (1 copy). All the papers must be typed and printed single-sided on A4 paper. Use 12-point Times New Roman font; line spacing is 1.5 lines. Page margins should be as follows: left, upper and lower ones – 20mm, the right one – no less than 10 mm; a line of the original text should contain 60±2 characters including interword gaps; tables in the text should be designed in MS Excel/Word without shading; formulae should be typed in the standard formulae editor MS Equation; figures made in MS Word have to be grouped and form a single graphic object; all the figures should be rendered either as gray scale images or black-and-white; line drawings, graphs, charts should be presented with the *.wmf extension. Bitmapped graphics should be either sent in the original to be returned to the author after scanning or scanned in the TIFF format with the resolution ratio of 300-600 dpi and saved as separate files.
  • the file should be saved under the first author surname.
  • the editorial board reserves to itself the right to shorten an article and ask for clarification of the title. The participants are requested to follow the rules of references usage and formatting.
  • scientific papers not satisfying the above requirements will not be taken into consideration.


  • the size – 2 full pages without the reference list;
  • all the other requisites – as for a scientific paper.

Please, fill the attached application form and mail it along with your scientific paper/abstract.
© Zaporizhzhya State University