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Success of the newspaper “Zaporizhzhya University” in “Youth Accent”

Жюри IV всеукраинской выставки газетных изданий молодёжи «Молодёжный акцент» высоко оценило издание нашего вуза. Областная академическая газета «Запорожский университет» завоевала второе место в номинации «Студенческая пресса».
359 view
18.11.2008 11:40

A new step of ZNU to Euro integration

Guests from France paid a working visit to Zaporizhzhya national university – associate rector in science of University Dumen (Leman, France) Michele Pezeril and the dean of the faculty of science and engineering of the same university Ramdan Ait. Their meeting with direction and representatives of different faculties of ZNU has been prepared by exerted preparation to collaboration between our universities.
371 view
18.11.2008 11:30
Pages : 1