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News 1-10 ( news found : 34 )

Happy New 2010 Year and Marry Christmas!

The University Administration and I personally congratulate you and your relatives with New 2010 Year and Christmas!

It is the holiday time - the moment of hopes and dreams renewing. Wish you happy year with hopes come true, prosperity and well-being. Let peace, love and mutual understanding live in your homes!

Let all your dreams come true!

ZNU Rector
Sergiy Tymchenko

628 view
31.12.2009 12:59

ZNU Students Participated in City New Year Action

The day before the New Year Holidays ZNU students took part in the city action "New Year's Bus".
710 view
30.12.2009 12:52

Qualification Enhancing of Specialists in European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Successfully Completed

On December 21st, 2009 in Zaporizhzya Oblast State Administration the certificates of qualification enhancing were handed.
723 view
29.12.2009 12:32

President of Ukraine Visited ZNU

On December 28th the President of Ukraine Viktor Yuschenko visited Zaporizhzhya oblast. During the visit he came to the ZNU, where he had a meeting with students and teachers of the University.
709 view
29.12.2009 12:08

ZNU New Year Tree Opened!

The New Year Tree was opened at December 25th by bright presenters dressed as Did Moroz and Sniguron'ka. They organized great show with lights, dances, music, and songs.
655 view
28.12.2009 17:52

Scientific Society of Students and Postgraduates Founded in ZNU

New scientific perspectives opened for undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students of the University. It was stated at the constituent conference of ZNU Scientific Society of Students and Postgraduates (SSSP) on December 24th.
753 view
25.12.2009 17:36

Mythes and Problems of Ecology Studied in ZNU

On December 23rd at the Biological Department traditionally there was the round table meeting "Mythes and Problems of Ecology".
629 view
25.12.2009 17:26

First Round of All-Ukrainian Student Scientific Papers Contest Finished at Biological Department

Presentations of papers was organized on December 17th. 20 papers of young scientists have been taken into consideration.
914 view
24.12.2009 17:14

All-Ukrainian Contest in Administrative Law Second Time in ZNU

Five teams from different regions of Ukraine participated in the Second Vologymyr Stephanyuk All-Ukrainian Contest in Administrative Law and Process on December 18-19th. They were from Odessa, Lviv, Rivne, Berdyansk and Zaporizhzhya.
769 view
24.12.2009 17:05

Ways and Perspectives of Social Pedagogues Employment

On December 23rd in 8th building of ZNU there was the round table discussion "Social Pedagogues Employment: Ways, Problems, Perspectives" organized by Department of Social Pedagogy and Psychology.
666 view
24.12.2009 16:57
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