April, 10-11 small group meeting took place at the Faculty of Social Pedagogics and Psychology within the framework of Youth Science 2012
April, 10-11 small group meeting took place at the Faculty of Social Pedagogics and Psychology within the framework of Youth Science 2012
Initiated by Scientific Societies of the both academic institutions, a round table discussion was held at Engineering Academy. On the agenda was the issue of interconnection between environmental and economic factors in present-day construction work.
April, 12 theme group session was held at the Faculty of Foreign Philology under the auspices of Youth Conference 2012
April, 12 within the framework of Youth Science 2012 and initiated by “International Affairs Expert” Club a small group meeting was held, dedicated to Anti-Americanism in modern world: reasons and manifestations”
The conference was held on April 10-12 in ZNU
April 12-14, Cossack Palace Expo Centre, the 10th Cross-Regional Specialized Exposition on ‘Recreation. Tourism. Resort 2012’ took place, bringing together representatives of tourism sector in Zaporizhzhya and other regions in Ukraine. Zaporizhzhya National University representatives visited the exposition, namely: Faculty of Physical Education, Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies, Centre for Business Education and the College of Economics and Law.
April, 12 traditional meeting of professors with their colleagues, teaching arts and aesthetic courses in secondary schools took place at the Faculty of Social Pedagogics and Psychology