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The 82-nd Academic Year at ZNU Has Begun

This year, the Day of Knowledge was celebrated at the last day of summer - 31-th of August. The higher authorities and honorary guests of the celebration congratulated lecturers and students on the beginning of the new, 82-nd academic year at the best Zaporizhian university. The celebration's organizers - the employees of the Cult-Mass work in ZNU - prepared lots of surprises for present guests.
523 view
31.08.2012 02:04

The Cycle of the Teacher Knowledge Seminars in the Faculty of Biology Has Begun

August 29, The training lectures for teachers, methodists and directors of methodical associations in Zaporizhian Region of the natural science was carried in the ZNU Faculty of Biology. This meeting was organized in conjunction with Zaporizhzhya Regional Institute of Postgraduate Education. The goals of the seminars are teacher training and vocational guidance work in order to popularize the ZNU Faculty of Biology among school students.
464 view
29.08.2012 10:49
Pages : 1