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Recent tax law issues were discussed at the Faculty of Law in ZNU

February 29 at the law faculty of our university gathered the best experts in Ukraine tax law. The main purpose of the meeting was discussion of legislation of Ukraine in the field of tax law. The event was visited by large number of scientists who are the legal advisors of public authorities. They help in the preparation, justification and approbation of various legislation and regulations, carry out scientific expertise. This event is very important for the learning process, because at the Faculty of Law Laboratory has problems rulemaking and enforcement functions which includes providing practical skills to prepare legal documents Regional level.
735 view
01.03.2016 15:57

Students of biological and law departments will present ZNU for the second stage of Ukrainian Olympiad in biological areas.

At the Faculty of Biology of ZNU during February was held a series of measures as part of the I-th stage of Ukrainian Student Olympiad on biological trends in the 2015-2016 academic year. All of the winners will take part in the second stage, which will take place at the various universities, Zhytomyr State University named after Franko - specialty "Biology" (19-21 April), Lviv National University named after Franko - "Chemistry" (6-9 April), Kharkiv National University of Urban economy named after O.M Beketov - "Ecology, Environmental Protection and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources" (April 25-28), Odessa State Environmental University - "Ecology" (25-30 April), Kremenchug National University named after M. Ostrogradskii - "Environmental Security" (6-8 April), National University of Water and Environment (the city of Rivne.) - "Safety" (20-22 April), National University of Civil Defense (m. Kharkiv) - "Fundamentals health and safety "and" Civil protection "(23-24 March).
621 view
01.03.2016 15:25

For pupils of Zaporizhzhya held an open lecture to the century of discovery of theory of general relativity

February 29. Zaporizhzhya National University held a public lecture on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the discovery of Albert Einstein's general relativity. The event, which is attended high school schools, gymnasiums and lyceums of the city and the region, organized by members of the Department of Education and Science of Zaporizhzhya Regional State Administration and Research Laboratory, a branch of the National Center "Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine" with the support of representatives of our university. Became lecturer Associate Professor of Theoretical Physics Dnipropetrovsk National University. Honchar, a permanent member of the jury of Ukrainian students in physics known scientist Oleg Orlyanskiy.
852 view
01.03.2016 14:00

Pupils of Zaporizhzhya high school at the Faculty of Foreign languages wrote literary essays in foreign languages

Three years ago, representatives of the faculty of Zaporizhzhya National University with the information-analytical methodical center of the Department of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Zaporizhzhya city council launched a competition «FRESHview: add a foreign language to read the book." So on February 27 FIF has traditionally held Round contest. The event was attended by 159 students 10 and 11 classes, writing essays in English, German, French and Spanish.
713 view
01.03.2016 13:57

At the Faculty of Economics students discussed on Environment

February 29 at the Economics Faculty held a debate within the scientific school student "green economy" on "economic growth or economic development - whether you want them to contain to preserve the environment?".
690 view
01.03.2016 13:50

ZNU joined to the work of the International Education Forum

February 28 representatives of Zaporizhzhya National University took part in the International Educational Forum Dnieper 2016 on "Prospects for education and career development in Ukraine and abroad", which took place in Dnepropetrovsk. Wide geography simultaneously with the event covered the News ranking universities in Kyiv, Odesa, Lviv, Kharkiv and other cities. During several sessions of the event participants discussed the current state and prospects of educational services of Ukraine and the labor market of our country.
631 view
01.03.2016 13:27
Pages : 1