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American psychologist Andrew Heddert met with teachers and students of the Faculty of SPP

April 26 at the Faculty of Social Pedagogics and Psychology of ZNU was a regular public lecture of PhD Andrew Heddert (PhD, Clinical Psychology, USA), which was devoted to practical methods of psychological assistance to the family. Participating in the event were senior students of specialty "Practical Psychology" and teachers of the faculty.
810 view
28.04.2016 11:25

ZNU has signed a cooperation agreement with the Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction

Recently signed an agreement "On cooperation in the fields of education, science and culture" between Zaporizhzhya National University and Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction (m., Baku) - signed by the Rectors of the two universities, professors Mykola Frolov and Gyulchohra Mamedova. Under the agreement, scientists of both parties will participate in joint mathematical research in solid mechanics, will teach specialists of the industry, will be academic faculty exchange between our and Baku university.
846 view
28.04.2016 09:27

American lawyer gave a lecture to students of ZNU

On the US Constitution and ways of combating corruption in the country told to Law Faculty students of ZNU Kenneth Bernhard, senior advisor to the law firm "Cohen and Wolf" in Bridgeport (Connecticut, USA). Within a week he taught in the Ukrainian capital, and yesterday, on the 20th of April he attended Zaporizhzhya National University with the lecture. The visit took place as a part of the academic program of the Center for International Legal Studies (Salzburg, Austria).
794 view
21.04.2016 13:34

Volunteer Marya Innis acquaints students of the Faculty of Foreign Philology with American culture

American Marya Innis, an English teacher by profession, for the fourth time attends Faculty of Foreign Philology of Zaporizhzhya National University. In the 2013-2014 academic year Mrs. Innis was at ZNU as a Peace Corps volunteer.
746 view
21.04.2016 10:02

At ZNU starts Strengthening Academic Integrity in Ukraine Project

Zaporizhzhya National University - one of ten national universities in which operates Strengthening Academic Integrity in Ukraine Project - SAIUP. It is implemented by American Councils for International Education in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the US Embassy. Yesterday, April 19, presented the project in our university Taras Tymochko its coordinator and project specialist Yulia Solodko. During their visit to ZNU guests met with the university administration, faculty and students.
784 view
20.04.2016 10:16

Information on weekends on holidays in May

According to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 11.11.2015 number 1155-p, "About transferring working days in 2016." in Zaporizhzhya National University in additional non-working day will be 3rd of May. ZNU will be closed from 30rd of April to 3rd of May and from 7th to 9th of May.
482 view
19.04.2016 10:51

At ZNU started the competition on mini-soccer Cup Rector

On 18th of April on the basis of Health club of ZNU held opening ceremony of the traditional annual tournament on minisoccer "Cup of Rector of ZNU - 2016" and began the group stage of the competition among student teams from different faculties of our university. The event is traditionally made by the representatives of the Health club ZNU. Judicial panel led by Chief Justice of competitions competitions, referee of the national category, Yurii Arystenko and Football Federation referee of Zaporizhzhya region Oleksandr Husiev.
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19.04.2016 10:40

Attention students! It have already completed the contest of logos and slogans

Tomorrow a term expires for submissions for the contest among pupils of 10-11 forms "The best logo and slogan of ZNU". The aim of the competition is to create and determine the best logo and slogan that will be able to convey the uniqueness of Zaporizhzhya National University and identify it from other institutions. The proposed work must be original, modern, concise.
The awards ceremony will be held during the Open Day on April 24th at 10:00 (m. Zaporizhzhya, Zhukovsky st., 66 , Assembly Hall 2nd educational building of ZNU).
Winners will be awarded with cash prizes.
For participation in the contest till  April 19th (17:00) to register and upload your work on the link
449 view
18.04.2016 16:55

At the Faculty of Law held intellectual competition for the title of "The most1st year smartest student"

On April 6th at the Faculty of Law of Zaporizhzhya National University held the traditional intellectual competition - "The most smartest 1st year student." The event was organized by the members of the Scientific Community of Stuents and Postgraduates, Doctoral Candidates and Young Sientists of the Faculty of Law (Head – Olha Popova, and also Tetiana Sokol, Vladyslav Bandrovskyi, Anton Barlit and Oleh Pelypenko) under the guidance of the Dean Tetiana Kolomoets and representatives of the Departmnent of History and Theory of Law.
836 view
11.04.2016 12:32

At ZNU 5584 people passed free trials trainings on EIT-2016

On 6th of April in Zaporizhzhya National University held a meeting with the deputy deans of career guidance of all departments. During the meeting summed up the traditional sample testing, organized by our HEI (Higher Educational Institution). Also, the participants learned about the dates of the substantive sessions of the EIT which will be held on the basis of our university.
776 view
07.04.2016 13:16
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