Day of workers of archival institutions celebrated in the Historical Faculty of ZNU

Today ZNU has been held the Ukrainian scientific conference “Steppe Ukraine History of XVIII-XX century “, dedicated to the memory of the founder of this historiographic research direction professor Anatoliy Boyko. The event was organized by Zaporizhzhya National University, J. Nowicki Zaporizhzhya Scientific Society, M.S. Grushevsky Ukrainian Institute of Archeology and Source Studies of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukrainian Institute of National Memory and Zaporizhzhya branch of the Kovalskykh Eastern Institute of Ukrainian Studies.
April 19 at the Faculty of History of Zaporizhzhya National University hosted an international scientific Internet conference "Historical science in the university: research areas, projects, problems (for example, university of southern Ukraine and Russia)".
29 - 31 March at the base of the collegium № 98 Zaporozhye Zaporizhia region championships took place in rapid chess among schoolchildren and students. Zaporizhzhya National University was represented by two member states which took prizes.