During the Open Door Day, university representatives have traditionally met with future entrants – senior students and graduates from schools and colleges, as well as with their parents and teachers. At the beginning of the meeting, there were two hymns - National Anthem of Ukraine and the anthem of the Zaporizhzhia National University. The first vice-rector Oleksandr Bondar congratulated the participants of the event and guests on behalf of the administration. He briefly outlined the purpose of the event – to help entrants to understand the features of ZNO-2018 and this year's introductory campaign. After that Oleksandr Bondar spoke about the structure dar congratulated the participants of the event and guests on behalf of the administration. He briefly outlined the purpose of the event – to help entrants to understand the features of ZNO-2018 and this year's introductory campaign. After that Oleksandr Bondar spoke about the structure of the university and the prospects open to the students who are studying there.