On November 13 at the Law Faculty held workshop on "New provisions in the Criminal Law of Ukraine" organized by the 3rd year students of of the Law Faculty.
This academic year for the first time has held a meeting of "School of Philology" for teachers of Ukrainian language and literature, Russian language and literature, foreign literature meters. Zaporizhzhya gathered more than 120 representatives of middle level of education. The event was organized jointly by ZNU Philological Faculty of Information-analytical methodical center of the Department of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Zaporizhzhya City Council.
During November 5-7 in Kiev was held the 5th International "Novomedia Forum", which is a project of the NGO "Association of Journalists, Publishers and Speakers" Novomedia. It is distinguished with concentration of speakers, experts and journalists in one place at one time, exchange views and experiences for the development of large media sector.
Yesterday, the 3rd of November, at the Faculty of Economics held annual presentation of Scientific Community of Students and Postgraduates, Doctoral Candidates and Young Scientists for the 1st year students.
On November 4 at Zaporizhzhya National was held a meeting of Vice-Rector for Educational Research and Academic Affairs Oleksandr Hura with students of our university. The event discussed important issues related to the organization of educational process. In part, they analyzed the efficiency and effectiveness of self-improvement and current attestation week, which was first conducted in our university.
On November 3 at Zaporizhzhya National University were awarded with certificates alumni of Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Studies Department. Of the twenty young scientists the vast majority expanded ranks of scientific and pedagogical staff of our university.
By Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine 29th of November 2015 № 1123 approved the new composition of the sections on professional directions Scientific Council of Education of Ukraine. It is pleasant to note that the work of these sections will be involved nine representatives of Zaporizhzhya National University.
On the basis of the Faculty of Social Pedagogics and Psychology of Zaporizhzhya National University held ІІ All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists "Technologies of the psychologist in the organization". Organizers of the event were: H.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology, NAPS of Ukraine, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University.
During last October's meeting of the Academic Council of ZNU one of the agenda items considered "The Centre of Gender Education in the 2015-2016 Academic Year: State, Problems and Prospects". According to the plan of the All-Ukrainian network of gender education, the information presented the audience Head of Gender Education Centre of ZNU, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogics and Psychology of Education Tetiana Golovanova.
Recently, the Oriental Institute of the Adam Mickiewicz University, International Initiatives Support Centre (Poznan, Poland) completed competition for the best analytical text about social transformation, culture, politics, economics, international relations and modern history of Ukraine. The organizers said that the first place took the analytical work of Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Social Science and Administration of ZNU Maksym Lepskyi.