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News 31-40 ( news found : 107 )

In ZNU was held a presentation of books of Ukrainian writer Maryna Hrymych

May 21 the Faculty of Journalism of Zaporizhzhya National University visited the director of the publishing house "Duliby", member of the Union of Writers of Ukraine, winner of the Grand Prix of the literary contest "Coronation of the word", member of the Canadian Union of ethnologists, writer, D.Sc. in History, Ph.D. in Philology Maryna Hrymych. Event organizers - representatives of the Department of Journalism and Scientific Library of ZNU.
694 view
21.05.2014 16:05

Dean of the Faculty of Journalism of ZNU visited last school bell at the School of young journalist

The last school bell for the fourth graduation ceremony of the School of the young journalist rang on May 20. To congratulate graduates came Head of Zaporizhzhya regional organization of NSZHU Nataliia Kuzmenko, Ukraine's deputy Yevgen Kartashov assistant Boris Rozsokha and Dean of the Faculty of Journalism of ZNU Volodymyr Manakin and experienced journalist, teacher of ZNU Yurii Botner.
522 view
21.05.2014 13:44

Staff of the Scientific Library of ZNU held a training workshop on "Creating of electronic library"

May 20 members of the Scientific Library of of Zaporizhzhya National University in cooperation with the Scientific and Methodological Center for Vocational Education Department of Education and Science of Zaporizhzhya Regional State Administration held a training workshop for librarians of vocational schools of Zaporizhzhya on the topic "Creating of electronic library".
549 view
21.05.2014 13:15

Regular roundtable was held at the Faculty of Management

May 20 at the Faculty of Management was held a roundtable "Infrastructure for small and medium business in Ukraine", which was moderated by Ph.D. in Engineering, associate professor of the Department of Management of Organizations and Logistics Dmytro Antoniuk.
403 view
21.05.2014 10:14

Students of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Administration participated in the roundtable "Patriotism as a prerequisite for the development of Zaporizhzhya region"

May 20 in Zaporizhzhya Patriotic Youth Education Center was held a roundtable on "Patriotism as a prerequisite for the development of Zaporozhye region" under the Youth Forum "The growth potential of youth for development of Zaporizhzhya region".
373 view
21.05.2014 10:09

At the Faculty of Biology have identified winner of "Best Young Scientist of the Year"

At the Faculty of Biology of Zaporizhzhya National University completed the annual contest "The Best Young Scientist of the Year". This time the results of the rating criteria of the contest winner was assistant of the Department of Landscape Design and Phytogenetics Hanna Levchuk.
510 view
21.05.2014 09:46

In ZNU conducted an emergency command post training of civil protection in emergencies

May 20 in Zaporizhzhya National University was held an emergency command post training on "Management measures to protect ZNU members of the educational process in emergency situations of socio-political and military character".
312 view
20.05.2014 14:21

At the Faculty of Economics was welcomed the honorable anniversaries

Today, the Faculty of Economics celebrates a double holiday - in the hall of 5th academic building of ZNU gathered students, teachers and guests to greet two anniversaries at once - Ivan Koloberdianko (associate professor of International Economics and Economics Theory Department) and Andrii Lynenko (associate professor of Finance and Credit Department, Deputy Dean for Research).
419 view
20.05.2014 12:39

Among the winners of "" - 6 students of Zaporizhzhya National University

The Victor Pinchuk Foundation has identified the winners of the national contest for VIII Scholarship Program "Zavtra.UA". This year's contest is joined by over 2,000 students from all over Ukraine. Among the winners of the program - six students of our university. The main criteria for determining the best participants had a high level of expertise, independent research work, leadership, communication and creativity.
436 view
20.05.2014 10:33

In ZNU students met with representatives of the Embassy and the Consulate of the Republic Poland in Ukraine

May 19, during the official visit to Zaporizhzhya region met the administration and students of Zaporizhzhya National University with Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Poland in Ukraine Mr. Henryk Litwin and General Consul of Poland in Donetsk Mr. Jakub Volonsevych.
273 view
19.05.2014 16:15
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