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News 71-80 ( news found : 241 )

The round-table discussion “Actual problems of European and Ukrainian news’ journalism”

In Zaporizhzhya National University the round-table discussion took place with representatives of Zaporizhzhya mass-media on the topic “Actual problems of European and Ukrainian news’ journalism”. Its honourable guest became the coordinator of the project on journalism education reform in Ukraine, consultant of BBC World Service Trust, radio journalist Marek Beckerman (London).
336 view
22.11.2006 17:45

The visit of the BBC-radio journalist Marek Beckerman to ZNU

Today the coordinator of the project on journalism education reform in Ukraine, the BBC-radio journalist, the consultant of BBC World Service Trust Marek Beckerman payed a call to our university. In the first place he met the students of the Journalism faculty. It was a long-awaited meeting, thus, the communication proved to be interesting and useful.
593 view
21.11.2006 19:46

Celebrating the Students’ Day on the Biological Faculty

On the Biological Faculty of Zaporizhzhya National University a number of actions was conducted, dedicated to the International Students’ Day
331 view
21.11.2006 19:41

In ZNU the competition in ball dances took place

The competition in sport ball dances, held in Zaporizhzhya National University, was devoted to the 25-th anniversary of the sport-dancing club “Rhythm”.
321 view
21.11.2006 19:39

Chess competition

In ZNU chess competition among girls finished. It was conducted within the framework of the general students’ sports festival.
332 view
20.11.2006 19:47

The meeting of students-orphans of ZNU with representatives of the municipality

Representatives of Zaporizhzhya National University took part in the traditional meeting of members of the municipality with students-orphans. It was held within the framework of celebrating of the Students’ Day.
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20.11.2006 17:49

The Autumn students’ party

Representatives of ZNU took part in the Autumn students’ party, dedicated to the International Students’ Day, where the winners of the competition “A Student of the Year” were awarded. In the nomination “The Artist” Julija Vlasenko, the third-year student of the Economy Faculty, set the first place.
309 view
17.11.2006 18:00

Pavlo Vol’vach, Boris Gumen’uk and Stepan Protsjuk have visited ZNU

Three famous Ukrainian writers Pavlo Vol’vach, Boris Gumen’uk and Stepan Protsjuk visited ZNU and presented the project “The Other Literature”. This meeting was organized by the Philological Faculty.
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17.11.2006 17:59

University editions turned as the winners of the regional competition of mass-media

In course of the Second Zaporizhzhya Regional Exhibition of youth newspapers “Youth Accent” the competition of the best newspapers was held. The academic newspaper “Zaporizhzhya University” took the second place in the nomination “Students’ Newspaper”. Its supplement – the newspaper “The Ninth Storey” – was rewarded the deed “For the Initiative”. The youth magazine “Dziga” won in the nominations “Example of the Students’ Magazine” and “For the Best Decoration of the Exposition”
308 view
17.11.2006 17:57

Presentation of the book «Muse of Roksolaniya»

Within the framework of celebration of the Days of the Ukrainian literacy and language the presentation of the book of the well-known Ukrainian writer and critic Valerij Shevchuk «Muse of Roksolaniya: the Ukrainian literature of the XVI-XVIII centuries» took place in Zaporizhzhya National University.
334 view
17.11.2006 12:47
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