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News 71-80 ( news found : 214 )

Our volleyball-players gained the victory!

On September 21-22 in Zaporizhzhya national university the regular stage of the Championship in volleyball for 2007-2008 among the female teams of Super-League was held. The team «Orbita-University» (ZNU) accepted “Kerkinitida” from Evpatoria on the territory of our University and won with account 3: 1 and 3: 2. Tamila TARASENKO
308 view
24.09.2007 14:24

Laws of development of political systems from Yaroslav Suhyj

The guest of the last session of the politology club September 19 became the people's deputy of Ukraine Yaroslav Suhyj.
338 view
20.09.2007 14:24

Students of ZNU play Laser Tag

In the park «Oak grove» the tournament in Laser Tag took place. It was arranged by the associate dean of the physical faculty in educational work Pavlo Dolgoruky and the associate professor of the chair of theory and history of state and right, the candidate of law sciences Olexandr Ganzenko. In the contest participated 20 students of physical and law faculties.
363 view
20.09.2007 14:23

Vsevolod Brinko won the gold in kick-boxing

The student of the first course, master of sport Vsevolod Brinko became the world champion in kick-boxing in a wage category 65 kg. On the World Championship in kick-boxing, that lasted in Germany from August 25 to September 1 the hard fight waited for Vsevolod: the average age of participants was 25 years, and he is only 17. But Vladislav Brinko bet contenders from Austria and France. The sportsman believes, this “gold” is only the start to new sport achievements and gets ready to the Championship in kick-boxing, which begins on October 15 in Spain. Mariya KANTSELYARIST
318 view
14.09.2007 14:23

Student of ZNU Illya Donchenko became owner of the main prize of international contest in beach volleyball

The fifth-year student of the faculty of physical training Illya Donchenko and the leading engineer of metallurgical laboratory of ZALK Olexandr Matsiura became holders of the main prize of the international contest in beach volleyball, that passed on Zaporizhzhya stadium «Orbita-Lux». Among 16 amateur teams the represented ZNU. For the last four years they won only silver medals in different regional competitions, and finally reached the victory.
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14.09.2007 14:22

Lectures in election law are delivered to first-year students of ZNU

Students of the law faculty of Zaporizhzhya national university with the support of Scientific students’ union of the law faculty and Zaporizhzhya center of the League of students of the Association of lawyers of Ukraine conduct a number of lectures in election law for all first-year students of our university from 6 to 12 September, in order to explain students their rights during the period of agitation and during the extraordinary elections of the people's deputies of Ukraine.
324 view
14.09.2007 11:05

TV-studio of ZNU «Univer-TV» was the best in youth festival

Co-workers and students of Zaporizhzhay national university - the heads of competition programs from «Univer-TV» Iuliya Bilan and Tetyana Bilonozhko and participants of the project – several students of the faculty of journalism Olena Pronicheva and Kirilo Karpenko - returned as winners of the VI Open festival of children's and youth mass-media «Push on RECord!».
381 view
14.09.2007 11:04

In ZNU celebrated jubilee of a great scientist and lecturer, professor Viktor Chabanenko

The 70-ieth jubilee of the head of the chair of general and slavonic linguistics, professor Viktor Chabanenko gathered in the hall of the second building his colleagues-phililogists and representatives from other faculties and universities, his pupils and friends. All of them were eager to express sincere greetings to Viktor Antonovich, to mark his significant contribution into development of our university and to present him flowers and gifts. Tamila TARASENKO
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13.09.2007 14:20

Student of ZNU took part in all-Ukrainian bicycle race

From August 30 to September 9 for the third year the Day of physical culture and sport is celebrated with the all-Ukrainian bicycle race “Sport for all connects Ukraine!”. The action was organized by the Ministry of family, youth and sport associately with All-Ukrainian center of physical health “Sport for everybody”.
345 view
12.09.2007 14:18

The well-known journalist Andriy Shevchenko visited the session of Politological club

For the first time in this educative year the session of Politological club was held, in which the journalist, the people's deputy of Ukraine Andriy Shevchenko took part. The subject matter of the session was «Perspectives of development of Ukraine at the modern stage».
315 view
11.09.2007 11:03
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