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News 1-10 ( news found : 251 )

Creative Students Are Teacher's Search

The teachers of the Chair of the Teaching of the Second Foreign Language lead by K. Ruzhyn and O. Pavlyuk (French language), A. Mamedova and K. Kolomoets (English language), V. Sokolov (German language), and Yu. Novikova (Spanish language) showed the results of the speaking practice of this semester at the round table.
688 view
28.12.2011 12:38

Merry New Year and Christmas Holidays At Foreign Languages Department

The student scientific conference "Christmas Readings", theatrical performances in English, French, German and Spanish languages were prepared at the Foreign Languages Department before the Christmas holidays.
765 view
28.12.2011 12:30

ZNU Students Among Social Advertising Contest Winners

On December 23rd there was the awarding the Social Advertising Contest winners "Let Save The Youth of Future" at the university level "It is Fashionable To Be Healthy. Choose Life!".
828 view
27.12.2011 10:02

Future Economicts Discussed Banks Innovations Development

The round table discussion "Developing of the innovative bank products and services" occured at the Economic Department of ZNU. The banks employees and the studens and teachers participated in it.
699 view
22.12.2011 11:52

Post-Graduate Department Congratulates!

Post-Graduate Department congratulates
Marina V. Vorobyova on successful candidate dissertation defending!
579 view
22.12.2011 11:49

Watch, Discuss, Share Experience

On December 20 at the Department of the Foreign Languages there was the methodic seminar-round table "Realization of Comminicative Aproach To Forming of the Grammar Competence of Foreing Languages Department's Students".
924 view
22.12.2011 11:00

Future Journalist Presented Kids With Holiday

Journalism Department of ZNU organized the holiday for the orphans of Zaporizhzhya region. Before the St. Nikola's Day the Student Council of the department gathered toys, books and other stuff for the kids.
820 view
22.12.2011 10:50

Post-Graduate Department Congratulates!

Post-Graduate Department congratulates
on successful candidate dissertations defending!
600 view
22.12.2011 10:42

FLD: Students Recruitig Done!

At the beginning of the academic year the Foreign Languages Department faculty planned to vorganize two visits to the Zaporizhzhya region schools for recruiting the future students. During tese visits the FLD creates the database of the potential students and invite them for th consultations each Saturday. During the quick tests the teachers evaluate their level of the langauge fluency.
758 view
20.12.2011 10:19

Post-Grad Alumnus Won Dictation of National Unity

In Kiyv 54 winners of the Dictation if the National Unity have got their prizes. Every willing person could participate in the dictation organized by the National Radio on the Day of the Ukrainian Writing. Our countyman the singer Anatoliy Serdyuk was among the winners. This year he gratudated from Zaporizhzhya National University's post-graduate department.
719 view
16.12.2011 13:40
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