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News 1-10 ( news found : 479 )

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Dear lecturerers, staff and students of Zaporizhzhya National University!
We congratulate you on coming New Year and Merry Christmas!
766 view
28.12.2012 11:40

ZNU Faculty of Economics Celebrated New Year

Yesterday, the traditional New Year's party took place at ZNU Faculty of Economics. Executives, lecturers, students gathered to celebrate this holiday.
739 view
28.12.2012 11:19

New Year Bus Arrived at ZNU

December 26, Did Moroz with his fairy company visited our university. The visit of the famous magician was organized in the framework of the forth youth action "New Year Greetings" held in Zaporizhzhya universities.
799 view
27.12.2012 13:28

ZNU Biologist Held the Roundtable "Myths of Ecology"

December 26, the roundtable in topic “Myths of Ecology” took place in Zaporizhzhya national university.
772 view
27.12.2012 10:48

Student Christmas Readings at the Faculty of Foreign Philology

December 22, the VI Inter-university Student Scientific and Practical Conference "Christmas Readings" took place at the Faculty of Foreign Philology.
774 view
27.12.2012 10:39

Congratulations on Coming New Year from the Students of the Faculty of Foreign Philology

December 26, ZNU students of the Faculty of Foreign Philology organized the festive New Year's concert.
761 view
26.12.2012 15:25

Unforgettable New Year's celebration for ZNU Staff Children

Today, traditionally the New Year's celebration for ZNU children of employees and students was held at Drobyazko Hall (8th Academic building). Celebration's organizers - ZNU Administration, Trade union committee and the Acting department of SPP Faculty.
742 view
26.12.2012 14:43

Law of Ukraine On Civil Service was Postponed for a Year

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine" (November 20, 2012) № 5483-VI effective date of the Act was postponed for one year - until January 1, 2014.
720 view
26.12.2012 12:08

Update of the Higher Education Industry Standard in Speciality "State Service" ("State Administration")

The reform of the State Service speciality in the context of the strategy of personnel policy tasks' realization adopted by the President of Ukraine of 01.02.2012 № 45/2012 will help to create professional, politically neutral and efficient civil service, implement the system of changes and modernization of the public administration model.
711 view
26.12.2012 12:00
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