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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2017

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2017

Dear teachers, staff members and students of ZNU!
There is a wonderful tradition on the threshold of joyful and bright winter holidays not only to congratulate each other and wish happiness, but also to look back and estimate the outgoing year.

1313 view
29.12.2016 13:20
Law students discussed peculiarities of German legislative bodies

Law students discussed peculiarities of German legislative bodies

The twenty-seventh of November at Zaporizhzhya National University, the members of Zaporizhzhya branch of the Center of German Law, students of the Faculty of Law, held a round table dedicated to the history and present day of law in Germany. The topic of discussion was the history of formation and contemporary functions of constitutional and legislative body at the federal level in Federal Republic of Germany – Bundestag. The initiator and organizer of the event was the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Professor Tetyana Kolomoyets.
1129 view
29.12.2016 11:49
Year of English summarized at the Faculty of Law

Year of English summarized at the Faculty of Law

The Year of English in Ukraine proclaimed by the President of Ukraine on the initiative of the public activities GoGlobal, is coming to an end. The representatives of the Faculty of Law who were active participants on 28 December 2016 summed up their work.
1144 view
28.12.2016 13:20
Students of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Administration held a regular meeting of student World Caffe

Students of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Administration held a regular meeting of student World Caffe

A business game for students of Zaporizhzhya in the framework of World Caffe was held at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Administration. It was organized by the scientific sector of the faculty under the leadership of Chairman of the Scientific society of students and postgraduates of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Administration, the third year student ("Social work") Snizhana Bondarenko. Also, it should be mentioned that for the second consecutive year World Caffe at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Administration is headed by the activist of the scientific sector, the 4th year student ("Sociology") Yevheniya Krashevska.
796 view
24.12.2016 12:26
At the Faculty of Foreign Languages "Christmas Readings" gathered young researchers of topical issues of modern linguistics

At the Faculty of Foreign Languages "Christmas Readings" gathered young researchers of topical issues of modern linguistics

At the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Zaporizhzhya National University was held IX Scientific-practical student conference "Christmas Readings". Year by year it is becoming increasingly popular among students who are interested in science. So, this time the organizing committee received 196 abstracts from the representatives of our University, as well as young researchers from Zaporizhzhya National Technical University and Classic Private University, and even from the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
1040 view
24.12.2016 11:38
University is focused on the development of international cooperation and commercialization of research

University is focused on the development of international cooperation and commercialization of research

Yesterday this year last meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council of the University was held at ZNU with the guidance of the Vice-Rector for Research, Professor Hennadiy Vasylchuk. During the meeting there were heard reports on the activities of certain departments, as well as reports on the international cooperation of the faculties, internships at the foreign universities, etc.
795 view
24.12.2016 08:37
Journalism students of ZNU won the fact-checking competition

Journalism students of ZNU won the fact-checking competition

On December 19-20 in Kyiv took place the International conference-workshop: «Fact-checking: international experience and Ukrainian problems», which was the result of training from the experts and the contest of journalistic materials. There are two students of the Faculty of Journalism of Zaporizhzhya National University among the winners.

1216 view
22.12.2016 13:27
"Christmas Britain Battle" held at the Faculty of Foreign Languages

"Christmas Britain Battle" held at the Faculty of Foreign Languages

In the framework of the events dedicated to the St. Nicholas Day and Christmas, a magical game "Christmas Britain Battle" took place at the Faculty of Foreign Languages. In such a way students presented their creative individual task for the second foreign language (English) under the guidance of Associate Professor of the Department of Second Language Studies Larysa Pinchuk. The second year students of the same Department were also invited, and they did a good job.
1165 view
22.12.2016 13:11
Student of Economics and Law College visited Lithuania in the framework of the program "Erasmus+"

Student of Economics and Law College visited Lithuania in the framework of the program "Erasmus+"

A student of Economics and Law College of Zaporizhzhya National University (educational program "Publishing and editing") Olha Mishevska has recently returned from Lithuania. Within ten days, she participated in the project "Erasmus+". It was organized by the non-governmental organization "Innived Lietuva" (Lithuania) in cooperation with the Ukrainian NGO "Development and initiative".
1123 view
21.12.2016 15:18
Students attended online lecture of famous lawyer Bohdan Vitvitsky

Students attended online lecture of famous lawyer Bohdan Vitvitsky

Representatives of the Faculty of Law of Zaporizhzhya National University joined the online broadcast of the public lecture of the Advisor to the Prosecutor General of Ukraine and the U.S. attorney in retirement Bohdan Vitvitsky (USA) on the topic: "The rule of law: so critically important, yet so elusive?". The event was held in the lectorium of the Academic building of the Ukrainian Catholic University. It was a part of a series of lectures UCU "Rule of Law Lecture Series" from leading American lawyers devoted to the actual challenges and problems in the field of consolidation of the rule of law, justice and fairness.
944 view
19.12.2016 15:01
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