April, 12 traditional meeting of professors with their colleagues, teaching arts and aesthetic courses in secondary schools took place at the Faculty of Social Pedagogics and Psychology
Department of Drama Arts head, Doctor of Pedagogics, Prof. Galyna Lokareva welcomed the teachers and delivered her presentation on "Formation and development of Drama Arts speciality in Zaporizhzhya National University”. Other department professors also gave their reports, in particular Olexander Korol with his report
on "Professional training of future actors". Liubov Berkova-Zhytomyrska spoke of actors' life activities, whereas Lilia Gryn gave workshop to 5-year students of Drama Arts in Voice Band course.
Upon completion of reports delivery a performance by both undergraduate and graduate students was shown to the guests. The artistic gift has been received with emotions and fascination and teachers promised to take along their school students next time.
Olena Kulinich