September 9th at the Faculty of Journalism of Zaporizhzhya National University celebrated the International Day of Solidarity of Journalists. The event brought together not only the first-year students, but also teachers of the faculty and distinguished guests.
Hosts of the event stressed that in this day all journalists should feel elation and invest one common meaning in the word "solidarity". They observed a minute of silence in memory of all those who courageously and indomitable defended pride and honor of journalistic word and paid for it the ultimate price by giving his life.
Senior lecturer of the Department of Journalism, a member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine Yuriy Botner stressed that truth and integrity in the pursuit of their professional virtues - is the key of a professional journalist.
We remind that International Day of Solidarity of Journalists was founded in 1958 in Bucharest, at the IV Congress of the International Organization of Journalists. This date have chosen not by chance: September 8, 1943 in Germany, was executed Czechoslovakian journalist, writer and anti-fascist Julius Fuchik.
Daryna Volkova