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ZNU Press Centre News / News / Studentship of the Faculty of Economics participated in the contest "Patriotism in the fate of Zaporizhzhya"

Studentship of the Faculty of Economics participated in the contest "Patriotism in the fate of Zaporizhzhya"

24.11.2014 11:54 All Faculties Economy Економічний факультет патріотизм

In order to improve the awareness of young people about the history of Zaporizhzhya region, preserving the historical memory of different ages and deference to eminent personalities November 21 at Zaporizhzhya regional museum held a regional literary research competition "Patriotism in Zaporizhzhya fate." The competition made by the Department of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Zaporizhzhya Regional State Administration municipal institution "Regional Center of patriotic education" Zaporizhzhya Regional Council and the Department of Educationa Workl of ZNU. From our university took part in it only the students of the Faculty of Economic of ZNU.

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