Pursuant to the decision of scientific-methodical council of Zaporizhzhya National University and to streamline the regulatory framework of the educational process of ZNU according to the Law of Ukraine "On education" in our university held several meetings of working groups established to update the regulatory documents related to the educational process.
Among university documents, which were recently reformed under the current legislation of Ukraine, are such as the "Regulations on the organization of educational process at ZNU, "Regulations on the procedure of forming the curriculum of training for education (educational qualification) levels at ZNU" "Regulations on students' practice at ZNU", "Regulations on the organization and methodology of the current semester and final monitoring students' education at ZNU". Representatives of the teaching staff of our university regulated innovations in the learning process, discussing "The order of selection of subjects by students of ZNU".
In addition, the working groups made appropriate changes to documents that are guided by university staff in addressing current issues of its activities.