At the Faculty of SPP has completed National Conference on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of Acting Department
For two days at ZNU held Ukrainian scientific-practical conference "Strategy of training and aesthetic education of future actors in the third millennium", dedicated to the 15th anniversary of Acting Department of the Faculty of Social Pedagogics and Psychology of Zaporizhzhya National University. During the second day of its copyright held several workshops and presentations of scientists and activists theater and concert from grateful students of the department.
During the workshops the participants, guests and supporters of acting talent of famous artists and famous scientists were able to learn their secrets. Viktor Honcharov opened the basics of stage combat. Under his leadership, the students demonstrated their swords methods of attack and defense, and later - and the battle with all the elements.
The final chord and the concert, and the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference "Strategy of training and aesthetic education of future actors in the third millennium" was classical opera composition from Yulia Kyrianova and Mykola Kvietkov which invited all members of the department-hero of the day on the scene to pick up a glass of celebratory champagne in honor of the 15th anniversary of common victories and achievements!
Mariia Kantseliaryst