Oksana Uzunova teacher Faculty of Law joined to holding an international action "16 days against violence"
On 27 of November on invitation by Deputy Head of pastoral work of the comprehensive school-gymnasium № 31 advanced curriculum in English of Zaporizhzhya Oksana Isaienko lecturer of the Faculty of Law, Assocaite professor Oksana Uzunova meets with pupils of 8th and 9th forms of this comprehensive school. Oksana Vasylivna read to pupils a series of lectures on the topics: "Prevention of violence" and "Сriminal responsibility of minors." The event was held within the framework of the international action "16 days against violence", which is held every year from November 25 to December 10.
The main tasks of of this action is to attract attention of the public to the problem of overcoming violence in the family and school; making more active the movement of NGOs and state authorities concerning the prevention of violence and protection of human women and children in Ukraine. Additionaly, its organizers aimed at promoting the non-violent ideology in local communities and society in general of Ukrainian society.
At the end of the event Oksana Vasylivna introduced pupils with a list of organizations to which you can contact in case of violence on themselves and a list of "helpline", which working anonymously.
Faculty of Law