Ph.D. of Political Science, Associate Professor
- Information Policy
- International Relations
- International and European Security
- Personnel Management in Public Administration
- Theory of Socio-Political Management
- Politology
2005-2010 - studied at Zaporizhzhia National University, Faculty of Sociology and Public Management, specialty "Political Science" (received a diploma with honors and master's degree in political science).
Since September 2010 - Associate Professor of Political Science, Zaporizhzhia National University.
In November 2011 she entered the graduate school of the Department of Political Science of ZNU.
In December 2014 defended the dissertation for the degree of Ph.D. of Political Science in the specialty 23.00.03 - political culture and ideology in the specialized academic council of the National Pedagogical Drahomanov University (Kyiv). Theme of the work "Information wars as a factor influencing the political culture in modern Ukraine".
Since August 2018 - Associate Professor of Political Science.
Research interests: information policy, information security, information wars, political communications, propaganda, manipulation, media culture, media literacy, political culture, international relations.
Member of the Intensive Training Institute on Media Research Methodology (organized by the International Council for Research and Exchanges IREX, Zaporizhzhia National University, Faculty of Sociology and Public Management and Faculty of Journalism) during March-October 2017.
Participation in the Training for teachers with the support of the Institute for Democracy and Social Progress of the Foundation. Friedrich Ebert - April 21-23, 2017, Kyiv.
Permanent participation in scientific conferences: International scientific-practical conference "Propaganda vs counter-propaganda in the media space: past, present, future"; International scientific-practical conference "Media culture and information security in Europe and the world: education, media research methodology, practice"; International Scientific Conference "Social Forecasting and Designing the Future of the Country: Ideas of Peace and Nonviolence in Changes in the Global Order", etc.
Scientific publications in national and international publications: "State and Regions"; Scientific journal "Politicus"; "Gilea"; "Slavic Herald"; "Bulletin of LNU"; "Scientific Letters of the Academic Society of Michal Baludansky" and others.
Articles in collective monographs: "Prospects and directions of modernization of the political system of Ukraine"; "Media culture in the context of interdisciplinary research"; "The phenomenon of propaganda and anti-propaganda in the modern world: historical and political discourse."