Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
Business English, Business Documenation, English for Business Communication, Business Foreign Language, Foreign Language for Professional Purposes, Professionaly-Oriented Workshop in a Foreign Language for Professional and Communication Purposes.
1993 – Degree in History and Social Studies, diploma with awards, Department of History of Zaporizhzhia State University.
1996 – Degree in English and German Philology, diploma with awards, Department of Romano-Germanic Philology of Zaporizhzhia State University.
2000 - Degree of the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, research topic: «G.Vashchenko’s educational ideal in youth upbringing»
2002 - Associate Professor of the Department of Business Communication
1996 -2000, 2003-2010 -the Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs at the Department of Management.
Author of more than 50 scientific papers and 11 methodical publications and training manuals. Scientific consulting Ltd «Technotorg-Don». Participation in regional, all-Ukrainian, international conferences.
Research interests: intercultural business communication, pedagogy, professional responsibility of future specialists.