PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Business Communication Chair
Language for Professional and Communication Purposes, Business Ethics, German, Second Foreign Language (German), Intercultural Business Communication, Office Administration.
Graduated from the Faculty of Romano-Germanic Philology at Zaporizhzhya State University. PhD in Pedagogical Sciences got at Kyiv National Linguistic University in the speciality 13.00.02 – Theory and Methodology of Teaching: Germanic Languages (Head of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Faculty of Management
Issued 75 professional publications, including 5 textbooks – 1 of which with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 3 workshops, 8 methodological recommendations, 22 scientific articles in professional publications, indexing by Copernicus, Google Scholar, 1 scientific article indexing by Scopus, 36 papers – materials of scientific conferences. Studied at German universities on specialized courses in intercultural communication, methods and didactics of teaching foreign languages. Scientific consultant of the enterprise “ZVO” in Zaporizhzhya. Member of the International Association of English Teachers TESOL. 25 years of practical experience in the speciality.
Research interests
The main areas of the research are the methods of teaching foreign business intercultural communication and modern pedagogical technologies of teaching foreign languages and cultures.