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Round table “Myths of Ecology”

26.12.2007 15:34

Today in Zaporizhzhya national university the round table in topic “Myths of Ecology” took place, in which participated 121 persons.

Among participants of the meeting are lecturers of the biological faculty and representatives of authorities - the chairman of Zaporizhzhya regional organisation of all-Ukrainian ecologic league L. Zolotarenko-Gorbunova and the representative from the State Department of Ecology of Zaporizhzhya regional state administration O. Vazhenko. It is interesting, that before conduction of the round table the photo-contest “Zaporizhzhya by eyes of ecologists” had been announced, in which took part about a hundred students.

After the greeting word of the dean of the biological faculty Liudmila Omelianchik to participants of the round table the video reportage was demonstrated, prepared especially for the round table by students of the faculty of journalism Nataliya Ostankovich, Katerina Shiyan, Alina Novgorodtsevi and Oxana Dicheva.

In course of the meeting and discussion O.VAZHENKO, professor, the head of the chair of general and applied ecology and zooology Valentina Bovt, students of biological faculty Mikola Drozdov, Ulyana Krivoshii, Natalie Dudareva and some others made reports.