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ZNU among leaders of education in Ukraine

ZNU among leaders of education in Ukraine
13.07.2017 16:34 All Top news

According to the results of the consolidated rating of higher education institutions of Ukraine in 2017, compiled by the informational and educational resource "", Zaporizhzhya National University ranked 43rd among 300 higher education establishments of Ukraine. ZNU is also on the 2nd place among the universities of Zaporizhzhia and the 4th – among the universities of the Southern region, that confirms its status of a leader of higher education in the Zaporizhzhya region.

In 2017, the most authoritative experts and mass media national and international sources were used for preparation of the consolidated rating of higher education institutions of Ukraine: "Top 200 Ukraine", "Scopus" and "Webometrix". Each of them applies different criteria for assessing the higher education institutions.

The "TOP 200 Ukraine" evaluates using the aggregate indicator (integral index), which is formed on the basis of direct measurement indicators (80%), expert assessment of the quality of graduates’ training by employers and the academic community (15%), as well as using international science-metric and web-metric data (5%). The results of the "Scopus" rating are based on the citation rates of scientific articles published by the educational institution or its employees in the scientific journals. The international rating "Webometrics" takes into account the number of the university website’s pages indexed by search engines, external links to it, the citation of the resource, as well as the number of files uploaded to the site (content-related and informative activity of the website).

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