Access to electronic scientific database Scopus and Web of Science is opened for 100 universities in Ukraine according to the instruction of Ministry of Education and Science in Ukraine №1286 from 19.09.2017 year. Institutions which received the access have to provide it for all who ask for it in their computer halls of libraries, no matter what kind of institutions they present!
It is possible to register and obtain remote access to the platform Web of Science in Zaporizhzhia in the hall of electronic resources of the scientific library in Zaporizhzhia national university (the second academic building, auditory 126,; for obtaining the access to the platform Scopus you should visit the hall of electronic information of the Zaporizhzhia national technical university (the main academic building, auditory 250,
The scientific library by M. Maximovich of Kyiv national university by Taras Shevchenko proposes to visit the webinar “Scopus: content and the main functions” which will be conducted by Maryna Nazarovets, the director of service of the information monitoring of the library. The event will take place 25 July 2018 year at 11am.
The webinar will be dedicated to such issues as the review of the content of the database Scoups, the expert selection of the sources for coverage the scientific literature of the highest quality, review of the main built-in tools of Scoups for search, analyze, and visualization of scientific and research information, profile of the author and organization in Scoups.
For taking part in the webinar you should register in advance by this link:
The scientific library of ZNU invites you in the reading room for professors (the second academic building, room № 134).