A large-scale career guidance event as Open Day will be held in the College of Economics and Law of ZNU on October 21. To take part in the event and get acquainted with the college, which this year celebrated its tenth anniversary and among the graduates of which are representatives of the most demanded professions in the labor market, invite senior pupils of the city and region, their relatives, professors and all interested people in this event.
The program of the event includes a meeting with the leadership of the college, its professors and students. The guests of the event will be told about the features of the rules of entry in the College of Economics and Law of ZNU in 2019. There will also be a presentation of the benefits of training in various specialties of the college.
Furthermore, there will be a tour of the university for the participants of the event, and they also will be introduced to the material and technical base of the college.
The event starts at 10:00am on October 21, 2018. Venue: assembly hall of the second academic building of ZNU. Zhukovskyi str, 66 B.
Telephones for information: (0612) 289-12-21, 2228-75-39.
ZNU admission board page:
College website: http://epkznu.com
We also remind that there are there are preparatory course from 25 September for everyone who wants to improve their knowledge and prepare for admission in the College of Economics and Law.