Candidate of Law, Associate Professor
- Intellectual Property
- Law
- History of Ukraine and Ukrainian Culture
- Tuesday 13:00-14:00,
- Wednesday 13:00 - 14-00
Graduation Degree, Faculty of History, Zaporizhzhia State University; Zaporizhzhia Law Institute of MIA of Ukraine
Postgraduate studies (1997): National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
1998 - defended thesis for the Candidate of Law:
“Nazi occupation regime in Ukraine during 1941-1944 (historical and legal aspect)”;Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs;
1993-2010 – Zaporizhzhia Law Institute of MIA of Ukraine
2010-2013- Classical Private University, Institute of Law
Research interests: the current issues of theory and history of state and law
Member of state attestation commissions for entrance and final exams.
The Executive Secretary of the Admission Committee
The author of 100 scientific and methodological works.
The member of International Association of Historians of Law