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ZNU Press Centre News / News / The results of free trial trainings in foreign languages for enrolment to the magistracy became known in ZNU

The results of free trial trainings in foreign languages for enrolment to the magistracy became known in ZNU

The results of free trial trainings in foreign languages for enrolment to the magistracy became known in ZNU
13.05.2019 12:21 All Top news Відділ доуніверситетської підготовки, профорієнтації та працевлаштування Університет відділ доуніверситетської підготовки профорієнтації та працевлаштування факультет іноземної філології центр інтенсивного вивчення іноземних мов вступна кампанія-2019 тренінги вступ до магістратури

The results of free trial training of EIT in foreign languages for bachelor students who want to enroll in the magistracy were published in Zaporizhzhia National University. Anyone can get acquainted with them by link: rezul__tati_probnogo_zno_z___nozemnikh_mov__mag__stratura_.pdf

It should be remembered that this year such trainings were held for the second time, thanks to which 283 people from ZNU and from the Classical Private University were able to check the level of their language competencies in English, French and German. The most popular among future undergraduates was English (271 people), 10 people took part in testing in German, and 2 people in French.

The coordinator of the event was Oleksandr Hura, Vice-Rector for scientific, pedagogical and educational work. Professors and employees of various faculties and departments of the university under the guidance of Halyna Mykytiv, head of the Department for pre-university training, career guidance and employment, took part in its organization.

It is worth noting that the professors of the Faculty of Foreign Philology, under the guidance of the Deputy Dean for the career guidance of the Faculty of Foreign Philology, Assistant Professor Valentyna Yemelianova, developed the materials used during the training.  This is an important stage of preparation for the passing of the common entrance exam (CEE) for a foreign language, which will need to be taken in the form of EIT for admission to the magistracy in the specialty 032 History and Archeology, 033 Philosophy, 051Economis,  053 Psychology, 054 Sociology, 061 Journalism, 071 Accounting and taxation, 072 Finance, banking and insurance, 073 Management, 075 Marketing, 076 Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activity 081 Law, 121 Software Engineering, 122 Computer Science, 242 Tourism, 281 Public Administration and Management, 291 International relations, social communication and regional studies.

All conditions are created in Zaporizhzhia National University for the successful preparation of undergraduate graduates to enter the magistracy. They were not only given the opportunity to test their actual level of foreign language skills in order to have time to improve their language competencies.  In addition, there were created preparatory courses in English for admission to the university.

You can learn more about the possibilities of courses and sign up for classes by visiting the following address: Zhukovskyi Str. 66-b (Academic Building 2) of ZNU, 108 aud. or by phone: 289-12-95, 0662905621.




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