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Representatives of ZNU took part in the International Conference on the quality of higher education

Representatives of ZNU took part in the International Conference on the quality of higher education
18.06.2019 10:23 All Top news Наука конференція якість вищої освіти

On June 11-12, 2019, Yurii Kahanov, Vice-Rector for scientific work and education, and head of department of monitoring the quality of education and licensing Maryna Tomchenko took part in the International Conference "Development of the system of quality assurance in higher education in Ukraine", which was held in Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics. The conference was attended by over 600 participants from nearly 200 higher education institutions and educational organizations from different countries.

During opening the event, the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Liliia Hrynevych stressed that they expect great results from the conference, because quality is the main aspect of the reform of higher education. Chairman of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Serhii Kvit, reported on new approaches to the accreditation of educational programs, and also announced open tenders for the creation of a pool of experts and the selection of candidates for industry expert councils of National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education.

Conference Speaker Charlz Klark, an expert of the British Council, a member of the British Parliament, noted that today the priority of state policy in the field of higher education is to ensure its quality. In turn, Saimon Eterton, head of English-language programs at the British Council in Ukraine, and Yuri Rashkevich, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, noted that English can be a tool for modernizing education and European integration of Ukraine.

Heads of higher education institutions, specialists in quality assurance in higher education, heads of educational programs, experts in the field of higher education, professors of English and students took part in the discussion of the problems of ensuring the quality of higher education in Ukraine.

Plenary sessions and presentations on the formation of a network of experts to ensure the quality of higher education, the potential of internal quality assurance in education, and accreditation of programs according to international standards were also quite interesting and useful.





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