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ZNU Press Centre News / News / Any theory - only practice

Any theory - only practice

13.02.2009 12:50

Today at the Faculty of Journalism of ZNU the master-classes of Olexandr Ishmatov, the worker of the “5 channel”, have begun.

Several years ago Olexandr became the graduate of the same Faculty of Journalism where today he conducts the master-classes. The graduate has begun the television career in the department “Crime” on channel “TV-5”, continued it on the capital channel “Kyev”, and, at last, became the operator and the film-cutter of the “5 channel”. The essence of his master-classes is simple - any theory, only practice. One time in three weeks Olexandr is going to come here from Kiev to teach students telejournalism and production.

Kateryna Gopenko