On April 22, the habitants of different countries celebrate World Earth Day. This is a holiday of unity of peoples of the planet for environmental protection and preservation of those riches and natural resources that nature has endowed us with. Professors and students of CEL (College of Economics and Law) ZNU did not stay away from this celebration.
The professor of foreign language of CEL Polina Vasilieva proposed for first year students to do creative task. It consisted of the task that students should express their attitude towards actual problems of Earth within pictures and inscriptions in English.
Students were sharing their works on the pages in Facebook and Instagram. According to their opinion, the main problems of today are pollution of nature, in particular air pollution, destruction of the forests, etc.
The most important that the students of CEL have their opinion on the current problems of today and can express their opinion in foreign language. Well, the development of ecological culture is an integral part during formation of a conscious citizen of country.