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ZNU Press Centre News / News / Partners of Erasmus+ КА2 ProjectMultiEdparticipate in online Curriculum Development Seminar during quarantine

Partners of Erasmus+ КА2 ProjectMultiEdparticipate in online Curriculum Development Seminar during quarantine

Partners of Erasmus+ КА2 ProjectMultiEdparticipate in online Curriculum Development Seminar during quarantine
27.05.2020 14:19 All Top news Faculties Journalism Foreign Philology MultiEd ZNU Zaporizhzhia National University факультет журналістики факультет іноземної філології проєктна діяльність міжнародна діяльність підготовка вчителів іноземної мови Multied

Within the international Erasmus+ КА2 CBHE Project «ForeignLanguageTeacherTrainingCapacityDevelopmentasaWaytoUkraine’sMultilingualEducationandEuropeanIntegration» (MultiEd – project number610427-EE-2019-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) ZNU teachers will study on Moodle platform of Tartu University (Estonia)from May 19 until June 20 2020.

European colleagues designed and launched the Curriculum Development Seminar for Ukrainian partners. The course will last for five weeks. The lecturers are Christopher Wilson, Dr. Sue Garton, Dr. Elisabeth Wielander (Aston University), Dr. Kristina Kallas, Anne Kivimäe, Mai-LiisPalginõmm (Tartu University Narva College), Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner Huneke, Isolde Rehm (Heidelberg University of Education) KaterynaSuprun (Ministry of Education and Science, Ukraine) and ZhannaTalanova (National Erasmus+Office in Ukraine).

Three participants from each of eight Ukrainian universities study on the course. They will gain experience in working on Moodle platform of Tartu University (Estonia), where they will acquaint with modern methodological approaches while working remotely via video conferences and self-studying. In this seminar, ZNU representatives are Dr. KaterynaVasylyna, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Dr. SvitlanaZapolskykh, Acting Head of English Translation Department, and Dr. Maryna Zaluzhna, Associate Professor of English Philology Department.

European partners will present the general principles of curriculum design in their respective universities with real-life examples from teacher training or foreign language teaching. Curriculum standards in each country will be also presented. They will discuss the relevance and applicability of the general principles to Ukrainian and each university context.

The proposed course materials and video conferences are devoted to analysis of the educational glossary, general approaches to curriculum design, which essentially vary in different traditions.  Representatives of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine informed the participants about specifics of designing study programs in Ukraine, provided valuable recommendations how to design curriculum in Ukrainian universities. The participants had an assignment to self-evaluate their programs according to four criteria: vertical integration, relevance, focus and if they are up to date.

Good practices in curriculum development process were introduced, its main stages and participantscharacterized.Quality management and quality assurancewill be also discussed as well as various types of assessment that allow students to provide evidence of having fulfilled the module/ program learning outcomes.

Also, the seminar introduces approaches in teaching and teaching methods and their role in reaching learning outcomes of the curriculum. Among others, approaches to language teaching such as communicative approach, task-based approach, problem approach and CLIL approach will be discussed.

In different sessions, the lectors will present the pedagogical approach and design of the teacher training practicums. They will look at how the practicums are structured methodologically and vis-a-vis learning outcomes, how the practicums are integrated with the curriculum and how they agree with general learning outcomes. As a result, the participants will receive the important knowledge and form relevant skills for further usage of gained experience for updating and developing their own study programs and new courses in Ukrainian universities.


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