From September 26 to October 30, 2023, a number of seminars were held in the framework of the project "Foreign Language Teacher Training Capacity Development as a Way to Ukraine’s Multilingual Education and European Integration" with the aim of spreading experience based on the results of the project implementation. This time, the partners focused on the positive impact of the project on the educational activities of universities at the current stage and in the future, the development of programs at different levels, the specifics of their implementation, the main difficulties and ways to overcome them. An important topic remains the teaching method, the use of online learning technologies, the CLIL methodology, as well as the specifics of teaching new courses developed during the period of cooperation of the consortium: "Language, culture, society", "Academic writing", "Information literacy and critical thinking".
Speakers from ZNU were Svitlana Zapolskykh, associate professor, head of the Chair of Theory and Practice of English Translation, Olena Tupakhina, Doctor of Philology, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, International and Project Activities of ZNU. Svitlana Zapolskikh shared the experience of the partnership regarding the implementation of the strategy of multilingual education, focused on the analysis of achievements: successful implementation of courses using the CLIL methodology, increasing motivation and level of foreign language proficiency among students and teachers, activation of academic mobility. Olena Tupakhina held a seminar on the topic: "Jean Monet Modules: Secrets of a Successful Application." During the seminar, the features and priorities, directions of the project and the structure of the application form were discussed. In addition, the speaker analyzed the reasons for rejection of applications, and Olena Tupakhina provided sound advice for submitting project applications and shared additional resources. The seminar participants received specific advice on the strategic goal, operational goal and tasks of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project.
The project MultiEd is coming to an end, all the planned tasks have already been completed, a considerable amount of work has been done, despite the difficult conditions for the implementation of activities and events. The partnership is working on summing up the final results, drawing up reports, discussing the use of project results in the future.